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2020 Festival

Throughout the Jane's Walk Weekend (May 1 - 3, 2020), Windsorites submitted videos, articles, artwork, and podcasts celebrating their neighbourhoods.


Original song composed, arranged, and performed by Jeremy Coulter, Jack Coulter, Matt Williams, and Matt Weston. Cinematography and colour grading by Garett McKelvie.


Explore another west end neighbourhood - Marlborough with Frazier Fathers. 

Sandwich Town

A Community in Transition by Tamara Murray

River West

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Rosina Riccardo 

Instagram: @xyzena

River West


River West


Lauren is an Essex County native whose photography focuses on capturing live-action events in the Windsor-Detroit region. Check out more of her work online!


Theatre District

Follow WIFF's Vincent Georgie's guided tour of 3 of downtown's anchor entertainment venues as well as creative spaces and post-show haunts along the way. 

City Wide

Eyes on the Screen: A Jane Jacobs Inspired Talk About Rose City by Walter Petrichyn


Discover the hidden gems within the Ojibway Pairie Complex! This live walk will showcase a variety of landscapes within the Spring Garden Conservation Area with Jess and T.J. Bondy. 

River West

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Rosina Riccardo 

Instagram: @xyzena



The Match Race of the 20th Century (Devonshire Heights) by Christine Fitzpatrick.

Click here to read it.


Take a trip through Windsor’s history pre-1900 with Windsor Before Windsor. You can listen to the whole episode here

Jackson Park

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"Runner's Series No.1", oil and pastel on canvas by Anastasia Adams depicting Jackson Park. Find more information here!

Ford City

Melissa Carey

Instagram: @calypso__lux (that's two underscores) 


Here are some images she has gathered along the way and the love for Ford City is fierce. Sharing her advocacy and art in hopes to connect with the people of her city. 



by Jack Bortolin

Instagram: @jackbortolin


"I chose to submit a "colouring page" rendition of Dr. Disc Records in Downtown Windsor. I chose to highlight Dr. Disc as they are one of my favourite businesses to shop at, and are important part of Windsor's music and art scene. Dr. Disc is a great place to celebrate and experience music in our Downtown."

South Windsor

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By Janine Morris


"Open for the last 23 years, Cramdons (a combination of owners Marc and Don’s names, and a play on Ralph Kramden from the Honeymooners) is a place where people wander into after working in any industry, eat homemade food, choose between draughts, and sit and talk with each other. Living in south Windsor, it was important to Marc and Don to have a restaurant in their own community—a local Cheers. Over the years, Cramdons has witnessed friendships developing around the bar, families coming in to have dinner and talking to their neighbours, and people celebrating their life events with the community."




Spring Garden

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by T.J. Bondy

Instagram: @thespringgardener


With Proud Support from:

Windsor Region Society of Architects - Logo
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